Mosquitoes Facts
Heavy summer rainfall can result in uncomfortable levels of mosquito biting activity in Edmonton. Such biting is considered only to be a nuisance since there appears to be negligible risk of human disease transmission by mosquitoes in this area. Understanding the needs of mosquitoes can help us to find ways to lessen their impact. These needs can be summoned by three basic areas: food, shelter, and reproduction.
Flowers provide mosquitoes with sugars which provide energy for flight and other activities. Wearing perfumes may, therefore, stimulate the interest of these flies
Being fairly delicate insect’s mosquitoes have difficulty surviving dry conditions. Hot or windy weather will tend to confine resting or flight activities of mosquitoes to more humid areas, particularly those that are shaded by vegetation. Therefore, to avoid being bitten, stay away from heavily treed areas, bushes and long grass. Keep lawns trim and garden areas weed-free to make home surrounding less attractive to mosquitoes. Help keep them outdoors by ensuring home window and door screens are in place and effective.
Blood is the vital protein base from which mosquito eggs are developed. Mosquito species which feed on human blood not only respond to general stimuli such as light, but also to more specific attractants which help mosquitoes to home in on their prey. These attractants include visual cues and metabolic wastes such as body heat, carbon dioxide from breathing and lactic acid which is found in sweat.